Boom! You matched with a beautiful girl online and the conversation has been going anything but short than great! The energy is there, the conversation has yet to stop, and with every message, you fall even more for her. The only thing stopping you from talking to her twenty-four-seven is you don’t have her phone number, right? That seems to be the hardest part sometimes online is asking for your match’s phone number, because in a way you’re asking them something personal. Some women online don’t feel comfortable giving their number out even after a week of messaging. It could have been something that happened to them previously with another match, or she could be going through a rough time and not have a cell phone right now. Trust me that happens. Either way, when you ask for her number it could possibly mess up the chemistry you both have if she responds with the time isn’t right, or she wants to keep messaging online for now. So how do you know when it’s time to ask for your match’s number or to send yours with a message saying to text or call you sometime. In this article, we are going to give you 4 times when it is appropriate to exchange numbers with your online crush.
1.) She Asks A Lot Of Questions
When you meet someone online, usually the small questions like, “how is your day going” turn into questions about daily life or how they got to the same city as you. Once these questions start rolling in, and it feels like there is even an exchange of information between the two of you, send your number over to her. If she happens to make a statement to one of your questions that don’t need to be answered then she isn’t interested. So, instead of wasting more time or forcing a conversation that isn’t there, it is best to move on. If she messages you again after her statement it is okay to have small talk, but there is no need to force anything. Remember, women will ask questions or send messages that require a response if they’re into you. Your match may put off this energy in the conversation the same day after matching or a couple of days after small talk, but just know when she does this it is safe to send your number to her!
2.) Planning The First Date
Discussing places to eat, events to attend, or a place to meet is very common when you first start messaging someone online. The conversation may shift from this topic, but if it keeps getting brought up at least once a day she is clearly very interested in you. When this occurs keep messaging her like normal, and holding the conversation. Then when the time is right maybe that night after a long day or if you both are going back and forth on a good place to eat send your number to her. One, this lets her know you are serious about meeting up and meeting in person. Two, this will let her know you are interested in her and you don’t want to waste either one of your time. But if you don’t send your number on time she will start thinking you aren’t serious about meeting her. So, don’t miss these easy clues!
3.) Afraid The Conversation May Stop
Depending on what dating app or website you are using some only allow a certain amount of messages a day. The last thing you want after a great day of messaging your crush online is not being able to finish the conversation, or for them to not think you are interested because you don’t have any messaging credits left. If you think the chemistry is going great, and she is seeming interested by asking questions about you and bringing up other topics. Send her your number. Let her know that you are very interested, and that you are enjoying the conversation you both are having. Let her know you aren’t trying to rush into things by giving her your number, but you don’t want the great chemistry to end by not being able to message back until the next day. If she is interested in you like you think she is then she will totally understand, and won’t mind texting you at all. If she doesn’t respond immediately, give it time, and once again don’t force it. The beautiful thing about love whether you met someone online or at the grocery store is love is so EASY and SIMPLE. We as human beings make it so difficult then it really is by looking too far into things, overthinking things, or forcing things that aren’t meant to be. So, just be yourself and let her know you don’t want the conversation to fizzle out. Remember love is easy, be yourself and it will all work out.
4.) Just Send It
If the conversation is too good to be true with your crush messaging you non-stop, and continuing to seem interested….SEND IT! No, seriously send your number! Even if it is only a couple hours into the conversation if you everything is going a lot better than you could ever imagined, or the conversation is the best one you’ve had online with someone. Send her your number like Michael Jordan use to play all those years in the playoffs…with CONFIDENCE. Let her know how interested in her you are, and how you would like to get to know her more offline. If the conversation is going as great as you think it is she won’t mind at all, and before the end of the week you both could be facetime or having dinner face to face. Remember even though you are messaging each other online she can still tell if you are confident in the conversation or not. So, when you send her your number this early or even after a couple of days do it with CONFIDENCE. Let her know you are ready meet-up or facetime and see where this goes. You aren’t trying to waste her time. You are looking for love just like she is!