How to Have a Good First Date

So you have the first date planned with someone special?  What is the best way to ensure your date goes well and leads to a lasting connection?  Understanding how to have a good first date starts with taming your nervousness. A lot of anxiety surrounds the idea of the first date.  Will they like you?  […]

5 true signs of a committed partner

5 True Signs of a Committed Partner

How can you tell if your partner is truly committed? There are 4 true signs of a committed partner that you should be able to identify.

10 creative pickup lines

10 Creative Pickup Lines

Truth be told, pickup lines aren’t going away anytime soon. Granted, some pickup lines are very played out and quite frankly, just don’t work anymore. But with these 10 creative pickup lines, you will have the upper hand of originality. Your special lady will get to hear phrases come out of your mouth that no […]

Using Love Languages for Better Relationships

Using Love Languages for Better Relationships

I’m sure by now you’ve heard of love languages. The idea comes from a New York Times best seller by Gary Chapman called The 5 Love Languages. Over the last few years, self reflection has become a source of mass interest. Grouped in with self care, reflection is a way people have learned to solve […]

Tips for the First Date After Meeting Online

Tips for the First Date After Meeting Online

With busy lives, our phones have turned into the nucleus for communication. Online dating is a new trend that seems to be taking over. Instead of meeting at a bar or through mutual friends, all you have to go off of is a profile. Online dating is a convenient way to meet people, but those […]